Keynote Speakers
Mr. Georg Kell (joining by video)
Executive Director, UN Global Compact Office
Georg Kell is the Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative with more than 6,000 participants in over 130 countries.
Mr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
Expert on Economy, Ecology, Globalization, and Sustainability
Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker is one of the German pioneers in the field of reconciling ecology and economics. Being a member of the Club of Rome as well as an honorary member of the World Future Council, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker is a dedicated fighter for ecology. He is a realist and stands for the combination of economic interests that include environmental protection. His motto: if people do not want to part with their cars, the cars have to become more environmentally friendly.
In 1958 Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker starts his studies of chemistry and physics in Hamburg and received his PhD at the University of Freiburg in 1968. In 1972 he became a professor for biology at Essen University. From 1975 to 1980 he was president of the University of Kassel. In 1981 he replaced as director of the UN Centre for Science and Technology in New York. In 1984 he took over as the Director of the Institute for European Environmental Policy in Bonn, Paris and London. From 1991 to 2000 he was the President of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy.
1998 to 2005 Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker was a member of the federal parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) and chaired the Commission Globalization of World Economy, and the Committee for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. From 2006 to 2008, he served as the Dean of the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management of The University of California in Santa Barbara.
In 2011 Weizsäcker was awarded the Theodor Heuss Preis for his pioneering contributions to climate change and environmental protection. Currently he serves as co-chair of UNEP's International Resource Panel.
Mr. Harald Krüger
Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG;
Human Resources, Industrial Relations Director
Since 2008, Harald Krüger is a Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Human Resources.
In 1992 Krüger joined the BMW AG as a trainee in the technical planning of the production division. Since then, Krüger had different management positions nationally and internationally in various BMW units in Germany, USA und the UK. After his studies in mechanical engineering at the Technical University at Brunswick, USA, and Aachen University, Germany, Krüger graduated with an engineering degree in mechanical engineering, he then worked as research assistant at the Institute of Flight System Dynamics at the German Aerospace Centre.
Mr. Bertrand Piccard
Initiator and President of the Solar Impulse project
Born into a dynasty of explorers and scientists who have conquered the heights and depths of our planet, Bertrand Piccard made the first ever non-stop round-the-world balloon flight. An internationally reputed psychiatrist, aeronaut and lecturer, chairman of the Winds of Hope charitable foundation, and a United Nations goodwill ambassador, he combines science and adventure in order to promote a better quality of life. Following the family tradition that combines scientific exploration, protection of the environment and the search for a better quality of life, Bertrand Piccard came up with the idea of flying round the world in a solar aircraft, without fuel or polluting emissions, to promote renewable energies and encourage energy savings. In 2003 he teamed up with André Borschberg to officially launch the Solar Impulse project and start building a revolutionary aircraft. “The adventure in the 21st century consists in using human creativity and the pioneering spirit to develop the quality of life to which present and future generations are entitled.” A pioneer, explorer and an innovator moving outside the customary certainties and stereotypes, Bertrand Piccard is first and foremost a visionary and a communicator. As chairman of Solar Impulse, he has developed the project's avant-guard philosophy and traced its symbolic reach and the policy that has convinced the financial partners of this challenge. He shares control of this enterprise with André Borschberg, just as he will share with him, alternately, the controls of the solar aircraft.
For further information on Bertrand Piccard, please refer to
Networking Café
Wednesday 26 October – 9.00 – 10.30
Thomas Bäuerle and Andreas Schmidt, SSB Consult, Germany
Delegates can begin the morning of Day 2 with a creative and interactive way to enjoy their first coffee of the morning and at the same time meet other Forum participants within an interactive session. Based on their experience, delegates will have the opportunity to exchange views on the theme of the Forum, People, Planet, Profit, as well as their learning from Day 1. Learn more about your fellow participants and their views and experiences in Innovation and Creativity through café style discussions.
Please note that this session will start at 8.45am. The doors will close at 9.00 to enable the participants to take full benefit of the full session.
Parallel Sessions
1A - EFQM Framework for Enterprise 2.0
Robert Bosch (Germany) - Michael Meyer
T-Systems MMS (Germany) - Frank Schoenefeld
1B - Ricoh Europe : Winner of the EFQM Sustainability Good Practice Competition 2011
Oscar Mellegers & Zhanna Serdyukova, Ricoh Europe
2A - Finalists of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011 on People
Liverpool John Moores University (UK) - Paul Evans
Kirchberg Hospital (Luxembourg) - Marc Graas
2B - Finalists of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011 on Planet
Siemens Healthcare (UK) - Gunter Dombrowe
Grundfos Pumpenfabrik (Germany)
3A - Finalists of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011 on People
Bilim Ilac (Turkey) - Dr Erhan Bas
3B - Finalists of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011 on Planet
Red Electrica (Spain) - Angel Ibitaste
3C - Finalists of the EFQM Excellence Award 2011 on Profit
Robert Bosch Bamberg (Germany)
Programme subject to change.

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